Shell script for continuous integration for iOS projects

I've done this various times in so different ways and for different services but in the end internally everything boils down to the xcodebuild command to build and test. Also generate unit tests and coverage report. Here is a not-fancy but effective and short way of doing it (Yeah, I know recently Circle, Travis, etc, even Azure Devops are more exciting these days).

Build and Test an Xcode project

export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
cd change/to/xcodeproj/directory

carthage version
carthage bootstrap --cache-builds --platform iOS
# pod install


xcodebuild -version
xcodebuild clean test -scheme "$MY_SCHEME_NAME" \
    -sdk iphonesimulator \
    -project "$MY_PROJECT_FILENAME" \
    -configuration Debug \
    -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8" \
    -enableCodeCoverage YES | tee xcodebuild_${BUILD_NUMBER}.log |xcpretty --report junit

slather version
slather coverage --verbose --jenkins --arch x86_64 \
    --scheme "$MY_SCHEME_NAME" --input-format profdata \
    --cobertura-xml --output-directory build/reports \

Explanation & Recommendations

  • Make sure to set LC_ALL to UTF8 because sometimes xcpretty cannot parse some special characters written by xcodebuild (coming from your code)
  • Make sure to print tools versions. Version numbers are helpful when problems occur and you want to reproduce CI environment locally or simply look for release notes or upgrade things.
  • xcpretty is nice but sometimes it cuts the error logs incorrectly, specially for UI Tests. That is why I used tee to write the raw log from xcodebuild to a file. Otherwise considering disabling xcpretty.
  • Disabling xcpretty means no junit report so Jenkins job might end in error.
  • When using slather make sure to set the architecture. It is required when Xcode builds more than only one architecture.
  • slather is cool but documentation is poor and some parameter don't work together. For example --simple-output and --cobertura-xml causes no errors and it silently skips cobertura xml output :(

Upload IPA file to iTunes connect

Usually after building and testing the app you want to upload the IPA file to iTunes connect for TestFlight testing.

/Applications/Application\ --upload-app -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -f $IPA_FILENAME
Hope it helps :]


This work is licensed under BSD Zero Clause License | nacho4d ®