Generate PDF documentation from swagger annotations

TL DR;: Check this working example


I have a REST (JAX-RS) Java Web App and I use Maven (pom.xml) to build it.
  1. Annotate: Use swagger-annotations to annotate my endpoints.
  2. Generate swagger file: Use the swagger-maven-plugin to generate swagger file from sources
  3. Generate asciidoc file: Use the swagger2markup-maven-plugin to generate asciidoc from swagger file
  4. Generate pdf file: Use asciidoctor-maven-plugin to generate PDF from asciidoc file

0. Preparation

I use a couple of variables: and
One of the dependencies (markdown_to_asciidoc) of swagger2markup-maven-plugin need below repository:

1. Annotate

Add io.swagger dependency inside dependenciesand start annotating. Basically just add @ApiOperation(value = "Description of endpoint") to each endpoint (or swagger file will contain 0 endpoints). Near @POST, @GET, @DELETE, etc should be fine. See a more detailed example.

2. Generate swagger file

This looks a bit lengthy. but IMO should work for most people. Please adjust locations to have a list of all packages where your endpoints classes are (or swagger file will contain 0 endpoints). This should be inside build/plugins
                    <location></location>  <!-- Modify for your project -->
                    <title>Some System - API Reference</title>
                    <description>API Reference Description.</description>
                        <name>Apache 2.0</name>
            <?m2e execute onConfiguration?>
I have attached generate goal of this plugin to the compile phase. Hence we should be able to generate target/generated-docs/swagger/swagger.yaml file with:
mvn compile

2. Generate asciidoc file

I set the input to be the output of the previous plugin. Also set the output file (not output directory) so everything is concatenated in a single file. Place this inside build/plugins after swagger-maven-plugin.
I have attached convertSwagger2markup goal of this plugin to the prepare-package phase. Hence we should be able to generate target/generated-docs/asciidocs/ApiDocumentation.adoc file with:
mvn package

3. Generate pdf file

Again, I set the input to be the output of the previous plugin. Place this inside build/plugins after swagger2markup-maven-plugin.
Similarly process-asciidoc goal of this plugin to the prepare-package phase. Hence we should be able to generate target/generated-docs/ApiDocumentation.pdf file with:
mvn package
That is all folks :)



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