Installing GLEW in MacOS X

The old way

The easy way is at the bottom of the post :)
  1. Download the sources from SourceForge:

  3. Unzip/Untar the file (Some browsers will do this automatically)

  4. Before compiling ...
  5. Usually you would run `make` but the shell script will fail to find/guess "$system" variable so we need to set it manually (as of in version 1.7.0 [08-26-11]). So open the makefile with some editor and change system to be `darwin` as shown in the image.
  6. Compile, Install and Clean
  7. make
    sudo make install
    make clean
    Some harmless warnings appear but ... let them be.

  8. We are done!
  9. Glew's headers are in /usr/include/GL and the dynamic and static libraries are in /usr/lib/ as usual :)

The easy way

  1. Use homebrew and save you all these little hazels ... :)
    brew install glew


  1. Installing GLEW in Mac OS X (Leopard) - Julian Villegas
  2. GLEW on Mac OS - 175 CS Forum

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