Versions in OSX 10.7 : Half tutorial, half just notes

Last week I spent some days implementing one of the new features in MacOSX 10.7 Lion: Versions and autosave.
It was not so straight forward, APIs are too new that there is no samples yet. Documentation is not enough for newbies like me. (hehe)

I thought that watching Apple's session 107 of WWDC 2011 was going to be enough but it turns out that the video/pdfs dont show all the code you need. Besides I couldn't find the sample code specifically for that session!. TextEdit autosave implementation is just too simple, not very educational in this regard.

I think my case is not trivial. Why? Because I am using a NSWindow subclass with NSBorderlessWindowMask and I have to craft close/minimize/maximize buttons, handle window resizing by my own. I even have to add the autosave button by my own and I still don't get the "--Edited" or "--Locked" string right next to the versions button (NSWindowDocumentVersionsButton)

So here are my notes:
(I assume the app is a document-based cocoa application)

The easy part, override +[NSDocument autosaveInPlace] which will enable versions by default
+ (BOOL)autosavesInPlace{
 return YES;
Or override +[NSDocument preservesVersions] directly.

Now, without much effort you will get something like this:


Still easy, implement the following NSWindowDelegate methods. If you are using a subclass of NSWindowController that is a good place, if not then the NSDocument subclass should be fine :)

To customize the size of the window in the version browser:
//Bug? : In NSBorderlessWindowMask windows below method is called but has no effect!
- (NSSize)window:(NSWindow *)aWindow willResizeForVersionBrowserWithMaxPreferredSize:(NSSize)maxPreferredSize maxAllowedSize:(NSSize)maxAllowedSize{
    //Create a custom size for the window entering version browser
    //This is just an example of a size you might use. This is quite big
    float ratio = maxPreferredSize.height/maxPreferredSize.width;
    NSSize winSize = [aWindow frame].size;
    winSize.height = winSize.width * ratio;
    return winSize;

To customize the window when entering/exiting version browser
- (void)windowWillEnterVersionBrowser:(NSNotification *)notification

    //Suggested by the docs:
    //disable UI elements that will have no effect in version browser.
    //Simplify the UI, as well

    //Example a textView:
    MyWindow *win = (MyWindow *)[notification object];
    [win hideTitlebarAndStatusBar];     //method of MyWindow : simply the window
    [win setUserIntaractionEnabled:YES];//method of MyWindow : disable UI
    [myTextView setEditable:NO];        //disable UI

- (void)windowDidEnterVersionBrowser:(NSNotification *)notification
    //If needed, do your thing here
- (void)windowWillExitVersionBrowser:(NSNotification *)notification
    //If needed, do your thing here too

- (void)windowDidExitVersionBrowser:(NSNotification *)notification
    //Suggested by the docs
    //Set the window to its original settings

    MyWindow *win = (MyWindow *)[notification object];
    [win showTitlebarAndStatusBar];     //method of MyWindow : restore the window
    [win setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];//method of MyWindow : restore UI
    [myTextView setEditable:YES];       //restore UI

In fact this step is easy too but not very well documented, I believe.

In normal cases (When using regular windows with non NSBorderLessWindowMask) doing step 1 and 2 is enough. Cocoa will coordinate buttons in the window and resized to not to work while in the version browser.

In case of NSBorderLessWindowMask windows we need to do more.
As suggested by Apple docs UI/input should be disabled and in the window should be simplified to show only relevant information.

Something that is not clear in the docs is that above methods are only called for the current document (The document in the left side of the version browser).
So in order to disable UI in windows of past versions's documents (the documents in the right side of the browser) we need other APIs:

-[NSDocument isInViewingMode] will return YES for all the documents in the right side of the browser. NO for the current document
And -[NSDocument windowForSheet] will return the windows for all these documents.

So something like this should work:
- (NSWindow *)windowForSheet{
    MyWindow *win = (MyWindow *)[super windowForSheet];
    MyDocument *doc = (MyDocument *)[[win windowController] document];
    if ([self isInViewingMode]) {
        //disable UI temporarily
        [win hideTitlebarAndStatusBar];
        [win setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];
     [doc->myTextView setEditable:NO];
        [win showTitlebarAndStatusBar];
        [win setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
        [doc->myTextView setEditable:YES];
    return win;

However, in version browser, each document is created in a different thread, so if you are handling big documents it should be much more efficient to above check in the same a method that run in the same thread. (-[NSDocument windowForSheet] is called in current document thread)

So, we better write above content inside windowControllerDidLoadNib: to avoid thread changing. :)

BTW. If you wan't to debug your app's version browser set flag NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode to YES. Each window/document in the version browser is loaded in one different thread so without this flag is difficult to debug

These are not mandatory but recommended to implement.
Enabling writing/saving asynchronously might improve dramatically application responsiveness, specially when working with big documents.

- (void)autosaveWithImplicitCancellability:(BOOL)autosavingIsImplicitlyCancellable completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError *errorOrNil))completionHandler;
- (BOOL)canAsynchronouslyWriteToURL:(NSURL *)url ofType:(NSString *)typeName forSaveOperation:(NSSaveOperationType)saveOperation;
- (void)continueActivityUsingBlock:(void (^)(void))block;
- (void)continueAsynchronousWorkOnMainThreadUsingBlock:(void (^)(void))block;
- (NSDocument *)duplicateAndReturnError:(NSError **)outError;

Window restoration:
I wish Apple showed this part too in their examples so my life would have been easier but NO! - they like me to suffer! (Well not really...)

Implement these NSWindowDelegate methods too to save/restore some info into/from the coded window.

- (void)window:(NSWindow *)window willEncodeRestorableState:(NSCoder *)state
     //any additional info to save 
     [state encodeObject:myObj forKey:@"myObject"];
- (void)window:(NSWindow *)window didDecodeRestorableState:(NSCoder *)state
     //any additional info to restore
     MyObject *myObj = [state decodeObjectForKey:@"myObject"];

Similarly you can override below methods of NSWindow
I am saving the state of the title bar because that is not done by default by Cocoa
- (void)restoreStateWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
    [super restoreStateWithCoder:coder];
    titleBarHidden = [super decodeBoolForKey:@"titleBarHidden"];
- (void)encodeRestorableStateWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
    [super encodeRestorableStateWithCoder:coder];
    [coder encodeBool:titleBarHidden forKey:@"titleBarHidden"];

Basically that is all.
More info can be found in the following links and surely everywhere very soon as Lion and these features becomes more and more popular.


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